Mobile Support

In addition to our in-patient care at Sterntalerhof we provide mobile care for affected families in their homes. Our qualified social worker provides the services the respective family needs.

At the same time we develop a partner network of social workers as regional coordinators, mobile therapists, and social services such as volunteer chaperones who take care of our families.

We developed the administration and documentation database HOPEnet with professional support in order to be able to professionally analyse and consequently to professionally cover the needs of the affected families.

Christine Inthal
Mag. Elke Paztelt-Koban
DiPPids Psychotherapie & Pferde Reitpädagogik
Kinderhospiz Netz
Anita Lichtenegger
Sabine Gehart
Malteser Care-Ring GmbH
Herzkinder Österreich
KiB children care
Christine Bodendorfer
Hospiz Vorarlberg
Kikra Kinderhauskrankenpflege Salzburg
Elke Kohl Power trotz Trauer
Kinderhospiz Momo
Barbara Grain Reitpädagogin
Beate Studnicka
Christine Ganeider
Mag. Dr. Angela Maria Kröpfl
Hospizbewegung Diakonie
Mag. Dr. Christine Csuk-Miksch
e.motion - Equotherapie
Silvia Franke Praxis für Psychotherapie Coaching & Supervision
Kunstwerkstatt Karin Wlachhofer-Schwab
Die Viereckschanze - Kommunikation und Kultur, e.U. Screenreader-Unterstützung aktivieren
LEBENsKUNST Karin Fibich-Brunner
Hof Schwechatbach
Franziska Gruber
Edith Ponzer - Mentalcoach
Ehrenamtliches Hospizteam St. Pölten
Gemeinschaftspraxis Lilienhof
Mag. Dr. Gertrude Enst-Zyma
Pferde- und Reiterparadies Gratzi
Mag. Nicola Wieland
Dr. Mag. Tanja Lenz
Club-Cheval, Alexanderhof
Karla Stifter
Marguerite Harnoncourt
Peter Kai
Herzweit Kinderpsychologisches Zentrum
Dipl.-Päd. Claudia Hutter
Reiterhof Kastenhofer HIPPOTHERAPIE
Projekt Schulhund
Kneissl Art
Big Brothers Big Sisters Österreich
MOKI Kärnten
Thomerhager Hof
BON surprise
TAT Zentrum für Mensch-Tier-Begegnung
Astis Schrag
Mag. Iris Süssenbacher
Mag. Bettina Bognar
Regina Heimhilcher

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