Music Therapy

Music therapy may be experienced actively or at the receiving end. Employing various instruments easy to play may reveal and express anxieties, worries, and pains, but they may also be relegated to drawing less attention. The children at Sterntalerhof usually do not find the right words for their emotions, such as, e.g., sadness, anger, aggressiveness, helplessness, guilt feelings, or also their pains. By playing various games (improvisations) we avoid words, dipping into a new type of communication. The medium music can break open certain blockades (blushing, unwillingness or inability to talk). The whole family may discover the feeling around such "games with relish".

Music can affect our moods, contribute to our relaxation, decrease our insecurity, frustration, or nervousness, and convey a feeling of security. Hearing develops earlier than most of our sense perceptions and is also among the last to leave us at the end of life. Therefore this medium can penetrate into the deeper layers of our soul, appeal to us emotionally, thereby becoming a valve for our feelings and sensations. Music does not only serve as a form of communication and symbolic language, it also fosters creativity, imagination, and the development of personality. Aided by the means available, the therapist assumes the role the client needs at the time (e.g., the leading role, conveying safety and security through warmth, rhythm, constancy)

Our team member in this field:

Ulla Vogtenhuber